Friday, November 18, 2011

Why are my sago palm leaves yellowing? I put it down about two months ago.?

way 2 much water and maybe soil is 2 acidic.

Why are my sago palm leaves yellowing? I put it down about two months ago.?
Hi! I got this from the website listed below.....

"Be aware that the natural course of leaves on plants, including palms and cycads, is first green, then turning yellow, and finally brown and dry

The yellow stage is where the frond is losing its chlorophyll as it is being re-absorbed into the plant. The final brown stage is the completion of the nutrients re-absorption process

So... if you cut off sago fronds too soon, you are actually depriving your sago palm of its natural technique to conserve nutrients. Best is to wait until a frond is totally brown and shriveled up small

The exception to not being worried about yellow or brown fronds on your sago palm is if they are occurring in the center "new growth" area

If new fronds soon turn yellow and head for brown, you have a nutrition problem. You are not feeding properly. Sometimes a sago may take a year or two or more to develop the "quick yellowing" symptom. Don't let that fool you. Food is the answer

Bugs may also be the problem, but not nearly as likely as improper feeding. Poor drainage may also be the problem, but not if your sago palm is well established in its location. Newly planted in your soil or a pot, poor drainage is a suspicion. A final suspicion for a newly planted sago is that you planted it too deep"
Reply:the real questions are: is a container palm or in the ground. If in ground what zone? If in zones 9 or 10 we have a very serious Sago Palm disease, killing them off. If in the ground the disease lives under ground, not on the leaves. It feeds on the leaves. You have to remove the soil, spray with copper, place some soil back, and spray again, doing so for about 8" deep. I would be interested in your zone, as there is a tracking for this disease, to follow it's spread in Fl.


Why is my sago palm turning yellow?

More plants are killed from overwatering than from underwatering. Especially in winter. Since the days are shorter and it's cooler (even for plants indoors), plant growth slows considerably. This means they need less water to survive.

You might also have root rot (because of the excess water, especially if the pot sat in a saucer or closed pot with standing water in it). You'll know if you do - the roots smell like poo. If so, you should flush the soil with fresh water for about 15 minutes, allowing the pot to drain completely. Then don't water it for at least a couple of weeks to let it dry.

I would suggest repotting to help fix the root rot. But, if your sago is as tall as mine (about 6 feet), that's almost impossible with all those thorns.

Why is my sago palm turning yellow?
because you are watering it too much.put your finger in your plant about 1/2 inch if it is still wet your plant does not need no more water if it is dry water have been watering it sure sighn when a plant starts to turn yellow over watering it.
Reply:its one of the two, toomuch water or not enough, usualy it will wilt if it doesn't have enough water, so you probably water it toomuch, but i have something similer and it's now turning yellow too, it needed water desperatly.

20 year old Sago Palm has a new emerged 8 inch size ball in its center- What is it ?

Sounds like you have a female Sago that is in it's reproductive cycle:

"As with other cycads, the Sago Palm has either male or female cones (the reproductive part of a cycad). Male cones protrude and are shaped like a cone or torpedo, whereas females are "cabbage" shaped and are gold or tan-yellow in color. The female cone will slowly open up when receptive to pollen. "

From this site:

20 year old Sago Palm has a new emerged 8 inch size ball in its center- What is it ?
Yep, you have a female sago on your hands.
Reply:Sounds like Sally knows what the heck she is talking about!
Reply:dont worry, its just the sago flower, and ya!, sally got it down!

I have a sago palm bonsai plant, very small. How often should I water it?

The pebbles are glued down into the pot. No soil is visible. I am currently watering it once a week and only a small amount of water at that. Am I underwatering or overwatering?

I have a sago palm bonsai plant, very small. How often should I water it?
Bonsai trees need extra water and nutrients, because they are kept in such small containers.

I own many, and I need to water them at least once per day, usually. (they're outside, so the wind plays a part in their dryness).

I also fertilize once a month, so be prepared to do that as well.

Do not stick your finger into the pot.

The pots are so shallow that the roots run very close to the surface and you could damage them. just feel the top of the soil.

As for the rocks, they are decorative, and you do not need to remove them. In fact, they are a necessary part of the soil, keeping it from drying out too quickly.
Reply:The pebbles are mainly there to prevent soil from falling out during transportation of the bonsai. Now that you've got it home, these need to be removed. They can endanger the health of your bonsai by preventing water intake and by harboring pests underneath.

You don't want to over- or underwater it. Stick your finger in the soil to test it.

More info:
Reply:I think what you need is a special care for your Bonsai, and not only watering it. Warm water is the best, but you need to water it not when you want to but when it want to. Check the soil and make sure it is a bit dry, otherwise if it is moisture then don't water it yet. I found this site to be useful for you. You can get "Bonsai Gardening Secrets" eBook that gives all the details that you need and more.
Reply:just put ur finger in the earth if your finger comes out moist with clumps of earth its fine, if it comes out dry, water it...

Why does my SAGO Palm have yellow leaves?

It's probably the soil or the situation of the plant, heres what i think + general advice:

This problem maybe the result of poor drainage and the lack of soil aeration due to improper soil structure. Most garden soils become compacted with time some plants grow poorly in compacted soil.

Water well in the growing season and water less over the winter months. Misting when out of sunlight will keep the needles from browning at the tips.

Feeding: A liquid feed every four to five weeks over the growing season.

Why does my SAGO Palm have yellow leaves?
Is it indoors or outdoors?

If indoors check out

Good luck!
Reply:could try epsom salts.dilute in water.popa

games hardware

I have a Sago palm that I love and I cant find anything on them. The fronds on mine are turning yellow ,?

From the inside out. What is wrong with it?

I have a Sago palm that I love and I cant find anything on them. The fronds on mine are turning yellow ,?
OLD LEAVES MAY TURN YELLOW from over watering or too much fertilizer.

NEW LEAVES MAY TURN YELLOW from excess fertilizer or poor soil conditions.

Note: Once leaves turn yellow or brown, they should be removed from the plant.

see lovely article (with great pics) at -

Good luck anf Happy Gardening!
Reply:Check this web page, it may help.

Care of a sago palm in canada?

Do you have it outdoors or indoors?

I love growing semi-hardy palms and Cycads - the Sago palm, in my northern garden. But, it is a struggle when fall arrives, as frosts can kill them, alongside too much damp, causing rot - or the double shock of both alternating.

I'd choose a sheltered warm micro-climate for your plants, perhaps a raised bed, allowing drainage to be more free. This will prevent the chance of any rot during the summer etc. You can also provide a bark mulch, which will help keep nutrients within the growing area.

Think about winter protection - you can build a structure to house them, perhaps wooden, covered in garden fleece, and filled with some dry leaves or straw. Overall, the enclosure must not get too wet, or you could find your plants rotting. It's good to have some air movement through an enclosure like this, as this prevents the air from becoming too stagnant.

Another option is to plant your plants within pots, that you could then lift come fall, moving them to a sheltered enclosure, or even inside the house.

Care of a sago palm in canada?
They don't like frost- make sure you don't let it freeze.

Let the soil slightly dry between waterings.

I have a sago palm tree how do i care for it and do i trim it ?????

you can trim the leaves, but they turn brown at the tips because lack of enough water...water a little more than you normally do,and the home depot sells a palm and ixora food, its high in nitrogen and potassium, its about 5.99 and it enough for several palms for a month!! i use it and just love it.....

I have a sago palm tree how do i care for it and do i trim it ?????
Water lightly once a week. Trim brown leaf tips and dying branches only. Fertilize lightly about once a month.

Hope this helps.

Sex of a Sago Question #2?

If you ermove a kiki or sideshoot from a known male or femail. Will the sex be the same as the mother plant.


Sex of a Sago Question #2?
yes it will


Dog posioned dy sago palm is there any cure?

Call your vet. Always call the vet when you have a medical concern for your animals...because the CALL IS FREE as well as the advise.

Y!Answers is great for non-emergencies, but NOT for something as critical and time sensitive as poisoning.

Dog posioned dy sago palm is there any cure?
have no idea

what is a sago pal?
Reply:Just go the vet please. Don't stuff around here, when your dog could be dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:you did get the dog to a vet immediately.....right?
Reply:You should take the dog to the vet immediately. If the sago palm is common in your area then they have probably seen this before and will be able to treat it if possible.

Hello will my sago palms be ok in Prescott, Az.?

I have 5 adult palms all at lest 45 years old. I currently live I anahiem ,ca. I am a little concerned about the climate in Prescott,Az. where I will soon live.

Hello will my sago palms be ok in Prescott, Az.?
According to sources, Sago Palms will live in zones 8-11.... Prescott is in zone 7. So your palms may or may not be ok. There are microclimates all over... if you have the right microclimate, your sagos may be just fine. Near homes and in protected spots, the zone may be just a bit closer to what the plants need. You can either risk trying it or bring them inside when the weather cools off.

Tatsulok ang sago?

anu meaning n2

Tatsulok ang sago?
Ah, so desu ka?
Reply:ang sago ay bilog at hindi tatsulok!

How is sago prepared?

like farina or barley.

How is sago prepared?
you wont get all the info here try searching google .winkipedia encyclopedia gives total info go for it it canbe easilly located once you type SAGO in google search .GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Sago (Metroxylon) is made through the following steps:

Felling the sago palm tree;

Splitting the trunk open lengthwise;

Removing the pith;

Crushing and kneading the pith to release the starch;

Washing and straining to extract the starch from the fiberous residue;

Collection of the raw starch suspension in a settling container.

The sago starch is then either baked (resulting in a product analogous to bread or a pancake) or mixed with boiling water to form a kind of paste. Sago can be made into steamed puddings such as sago plum pudding, ground into a powder and used as a thickener for other dishes, or used as a dense glutinous flour
Reply:first you have to have a uncooked sago then wash it,prepare a boiling water when the water boil pour down the sago cook it for 10-15 minutes


Does the sago palm need food?

Yes, from spring to fall when it's growing more actively, but don't overfertilize. How much they need depends on the amount of light they get. Once every 4-5 weeks is okay.

Mildew on sago palm?

what to do about white powder mildew on the underside of leaves

Mildew on sago palm?
Go to Home Depot or Lowes. They make a spray bottle product made just for this problem. Ask the clerks.

Native Pride, Sago! Do you feel prejudice some how?

How do you feel about it...

Who are "they"?

Peace be with you.

Native Pride, Sago! Do you feel prejudice some how?
She:kon, Oh niiohtonhake? (how you doing) definately, feed prejudge, first off, around here, everyone thinks we're smugglers. they are the police, the border patrollers, the non natives from near by communities. At the schools we're feared because everyone thinks we're going to beat them up, but thats how we are, we're stoic (don't show any emotion) because we had to learn to do that or else we were taken advantage.

Reply:Very good answer after all I was asking about if some one feel prejudice... and you're right I know a lots of whites that does not like my native friends. Report It

Reply:i have to admit to getting a little 'anti english' and very much proud of being scottish when watching braveheart

its a powerful film, a mostly 'true' story and when most scots watch it im pretty sure itl has the same effect on us all

it does everyone i know

i have no problem with english people, i have english family and friends but when i watch braveheart i think i could don the tartan, take out the bagpipes and march through england shouting 'moan the scots' with the saltire up high

Where does Sago orignate from and how is it derived?

Sago is a powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the Sago Palm Metroxylon sagu. Sago forms a major staple food for the lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas.

Processed starch known as sago is also made from some cycad plants, and is a less frequent food source for some peoples of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. There is a large difference both biologically and dietarily between the two types of sago. Sago as a major dietary food source comes mainly from a palm in the genus Metroxylon. Despite their common name, cycads are not palms (i.e. they are not members of the family Arecaceae but rather from Cycadaceae, a vastly different taxonomic order: cycads are gymnosperms, while palms are angiosperms).

Because sago flour made from Metroxylon is the most widely used form, this article discusses sago from Metroxylon unless otherwise specified.


Sago (Metroxylon) is made through the following steps:

1. Felling the sago palm tree;

2. Splitting the trunk open lengthwise;

3. Removing the pith;

4. Crushing and kneading the pith to release the starch;

5. Washing and straining to extract the starch from the fiberous residue;

6. Collection of the raw starch suspension in a settling container.

The sago starch is then either baked (resulting in a product analogous to bread or a pancake) or mixed with boiling water to form a kind of paste. Sago can be made into steamed puddings such as sago plum pudding, ground into a powder and used as a thickener for other dishes, or used as a dense glutinous flour.

In Malaysia and Indonesia, sago from Metroxylon is used as a starch in making noodles, white bread, and sago pearls (similar to tapioca). In India pearl sago (a form of sago) is called Sabudana, and is used in a variety of dishes including khichdi, wafers and puddings. The source of this sago is most likely Metroxylon rather than the cycad version.

Sago from the cycad is very different, because unlike Metroxylon, cycad seeds contain highly poisonous compounds. Consumption of cycad seeds has been implicated in the outbreak of Parkinson's Disease-like neurological disorder in various locations in the Pacific such as Guam. Highly toxic cycasin and BMAA compounds are found in most parts of the plant. These must be removed through extended processing before any part can be safely eaten. First, the pith made from the trunk, root, seeds is first ground to a coarse flour, washed carefully to leach out natural toxins, then dried and cooked to become a starchy granular fecula similar to tapioca and is used for many of the same purposes.



Sago flour (Metroxylon) is nearly pure carbohydrate and has very little protein, vitamins, or minerals. However, as sago palms are typically found in areas unsuited for agriculture, sago cultivation is often the most ecologically appropriate form of land-use, and the nutritional deficiencies of the food can often be compensated for with other readily available dietary items.

One hundred grams of dry sago yields 355 calories, including an average of 94 grams of carbohydrate, 0.2 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of dietary fiber, 10mg of calcium, 1.2mg of iron, and negligible amounts of fat, carotene, thiamine, and ascorbic acid.

Sago can be stored for weeks or months, although generally it is eaten quickly after it is processed.


The palm genus Metroxylon has several species. The main source of sago flour is Metroxylon sagu. It is found in Southeast Asia, Melanesia, and some islands in Micronesia and Polynesia. Growing up to 30 meters in height, the sago palm is found in tropical lowland forest and freshwater swamps, and can grow in a wide variety of soils. It is a fast-growing species.

The Sago Cycad or "Sago Palm" (its common name but a misnomer since it is not an actual palm at all) is a slow-growing wild or ornamental plant.

Where does Sago orignate from and how is it derived?
Seems you have done a lot of research. Well done! Report It

Reply:Sago is a powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the Sago Palm Metroxylon sagu. Sago forms a major staple food for the lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas.

Processed starch known as sago is also made from some cycad plants, and is a less frequent food source for some peoples of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. There is a large difference both biologically and dietarily between the two types of sago. Sago as a major dietary food source comes mainly from a palm in the genus Metroxylon. Despite their common name, cycads are not palms (i.e. they are not members of the family Arecaceae but rather from Cycadaceae, a vastly different taxonomic order: cycads are gymnosperms, while palms are angiosperms).
Reply:Sago is orginally a root called Tapioca. It is processed and converted to white hard pearls.Can be made soft by soaking in water overnight.
Reply:It is the pith of the Sago palm, a native of the western pacific and SE Asia.

BAsically, the palm is cut down, broken open and the pith extracted. The starchy componant is removed from the by beating and kneading the pith and then washing to separate the starch from the fibers. The water with the starch emulsion is put into settling buckets. the starchy component is drawn off, dried and ground.

It has very little nutritional value, not much different than tapioca.
Reply:It is also the way Europeans and the British refer to large pearl Tapioca, which is derived from the cassava plant, it is ground, boiled and then rolled between rollers to form small pea size balls, now a days it is popular in the Far East and North America in Bubble teas, flavoured tea beverages with boiled tapioca that has been cooked with green or black teas and made similarly to a milkshake, only thinner and fewer calories
Reply:The rainy months from June to September are considered holy in India.The 4 month period is a time when devout Hindus eat no meat or fish. Special fasting foods are made from sago bananas peanuts yoghurt and root vegetables.

how it grows

Sago is made from the viscous sp of a tall shady tree. The tree thrives in hot dry conditions. As with rubber trees a groove is cut in the trunk of the sago palm at intervals and the sp which oozes out is collected. It is strained through special sieves which form it into little soft droplets. These are dried until hard. Depending on the size of holes in the sieve different sizes of sago are produced.

appearance and taste

Sago balls are like small pearls white and hard. On soaking in water they turn soft and as they absorb more and more fluid they become mushy. When cooked they change from opaque to translucent. The taste is bland but creamy. When cooked sago pearls have the texture of caviar spongy and slightly slippery.

Buying and storing.

Indian shops stock sago as well as a close relative tapioca. Store in a dry jar for up to 4 months.

Medicinal and other uses.

Indian medicine believes that sago and ice cool the system counteracting the heat produced by other foods. A thin sago gruel is given to patients who complain of excess bile due to body heat. The liquid left affer boiling sago in water is used to starch clothes.

Culinary uses

Sago is always washed and left to soften. Once it is soft and can be squashed between 2 fingers it is made into svouries or sweets. Kneaded together with seasoned mashed potatoes into a dough it gives texture and flavor to vadas or small patties that are shallowfried. It is also made into poppadoms that can be deepfried. Sago poppadoms look like sheets of bubbles and are sometimes tinted pink or green for decoration.


We planted sago palms in our yard this summer and now they look dead, we were told to dig up and separate root

Sago Palms (cycas revoluta) are notoriously famous for often going through a "dead" stage especially when roots have been severely damaged. This condition occurs most often with "pups" or cuttings removed from a parent plant. Provided that they have the proper growing conditions and their corm/bulb is not destroyed, they should put forth new growth within four to eight months. I've seen it sometimes take more than a year to recover. Whatever you do, make sure they are kept more on the dry side with occasional deep watering during this period. Never let them sit in waterlogged soil---the resulting methane will kill them for sure. They prefer rich, well drained and highly organic soil with full sun and warm temperatures, preferably 80 degrees and more. Give them some time. They might just surprise you!

We planted sago palms in our yard this summer and now they look dead, we were told to dig up and separate root
Depends on where you live, I've planted several and the first sprouts (if you will) died and more came up. We have several in pots now and they look great. They need a lot of water and don't like full sun light to start with from my experience.

What is sago made of?

A starch made from the pith of the sago palm.

[SAY-goh] A starch extracted from the sago (and other tropical) palms that is processed into flour, meal and pearl sago, which is similar to tapioca. South Pacific cooks frequently use sago for baking and for thickening soups, puddings and other desserts.

What is sago made of?
tapioca starch
Reply:Frog spawn....


at least that's what we used to call it when we were given it for school dinner dessert!
Reply:A powdery starch obtained from the trunks of certain sago palms and used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.

Where does sago come from?


Where does sago come from?
Reply:"Sago is a powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the Sago Palm, Metroxylon sagu."

This, and more, on Wikipedia,

Hope this helps!

Could the Sago Mine disaster have been avoided??

It was a very emotional issue for all those who followed it on TV.

Our sympathy to all of the bereaved families.

Could the Sago Mine disaster have been avoided??
Mining disasters are far less common than they used to be, but the improvements should continue. It's a dangerous job and all miners know that, and now for a while, while it's still in our memory, everyone knows that. But with all the violations the company had I think it would have been avoided if the profit margin were lowered a little to spend the money it takes to make sure no one dies. Accidents will happen anywhere, but imagine if a Nuclear Power facility were to have the same violations? Chernobyl all over and could kill millions. Maybe the mining industry should have the same requirements for safety so no one at all dies.
Reply:Working in a mine is a dangerous job by nature...those that worked there knew the risks. The saddest thing, I think, is that they are saying the miners could have just walked right out...there was no cave-in or anything.
Reply:The disaster could of been avoided. The Mine owner was sited several times for violating safety standards. If the Mine was up to date in terms of safety the disaster might not have happen or if it did the miners would have had a better chance of survival


My sago palm has fungus, how do i treat it?

You might want to read this link to determine just what the problem is. If you live in Florida or any state where sago palms can grow are having severe problems.

Is Your Sago Palm Dying?

Georgia Tasker reported today in the Miami Herald that sagos are now also "being battered by another, possibly lethal enemy: a fungal infection that enters the interior of the plants through roots weakened by the (scale) insects."

My sago palm has fungus, how do i treat it?
Buy a Herbicide for the fungis..sago palms do not need too much water either so this may be the cause of it..over watering or poor drainage in the pot it is in..providing it is in a pot...
Reply:the best one is Organocide sold at any hardware store, i.e. Home depot, Lowes, etc...

unfortunately that fungus won't go away until you treat it on a regular basis as long as you have it. live in Fla, planting region 9.. this disease has been spreading from south florida for some times now.

Whas sago made up of?

Sago palm is a cycad, the oldest known of all living seed plants. This palm is slow growing and the older specimen will develop a thick, stout trunk about 9" and reach a height of 6 feet. It has a crown of dare dark glossy green feathery pinnate fronds (leaves) about 30" long growing in a circular pattern. The leaves are laden with numerous thin stiff and pointed, leathery leaflets about 4" long. Rather than continuously adding foliage, sagos produce a periodic 'flush' of new leaves, called a 'break'. Seeds are brownish-red, the shape of a flattened marble, about 30 mm( 1.25 ins) across. Also called Living fossils, this palm is native to the Far East. It is suitable both for indoor and outdoor use.

Whas sago made up of?
it is made from tree.and it has to pass in long is vegeterian so donot worry.rumor ,some years ago makde us confusion for use of it.but that story was about the waste of sago and the making of it.
Reply:sago is made of tapioca powder.
Reply:sago flour?

It's made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the Sago Palm tree.

I think.
Reply:How sago is made from palm of the same name is already told by others. It has also been mentioned by one that it comes from Malayasia. It is significant to note that sago has found a sacred plce in Hindu rituals.I was amused to read from jvjoshi's account of some confusion prevailing about sago because of its method of preparation from the waste product. In fact on days of fastings one can take sago which can be made into many sweet as well as tangy dishes.A similar articles which hails from Malayasia--Bananas/plaintains-has also found a similar raised platform in Hindu rituals. It is used not only in worships but is also considered a food which can be partaken--again when you are fasting.The 'idali' which is synoymous with South India is also not a natiiie preparation . In fact steamed food concept is an import from Malayasia
Reply:why dont you find it out on Google????? :-))
Reply:in English sago, in Hindi sabudhana,in Tamil javvarisi,in Telugu sabbiyyamu.
Reply:sago is starch extract usually made from tapioca
Reply:Sago os made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the Sago Palm.

Our sago palm has pineapple like shape in the center of plant what is it?

those are the new shoots. they will start blossoming out and turning green.

Our sago palm has pineapple like shape in the center of plant what is it?
new foliage. Soon they should turn into new branches
Reply:Its heart
Reply:That is the reproductive cone. the male cone looks like a yellow-cream colored corn cob
Reply:Propagation of sago palms is either by seed or by removal of basal offsets. Offsets typically occur at ground level next to the main stem. Suckers also can actually occur above the ground on the trunk. Please read below for information on removal and propagation of suckers.

As with other cycads, the Sago Palm has either male or female cones (the reproductive part of a cycad). Male cones protrude and are shaped like a cone or torpedo, whereas females are "cabbage" shaped and are gold or tan-yellow in color. The female cone will slowly open up when receptive to pollen.

A female plant cannot produce viable, fertile seed unless it is pollinated. In the wild this can occur by wind dispersion of male pollen but it is believed that most of the pollination is done by native insects. However, it is quite common for an isolated female plant to produce unfertile seeds that appear to be "good". They will have the traditional red colored fruit but lack an inner embryo and will not germinate. Pollination of a receptive female cone can be done naturally by insects or artificially by man. After fertile seeds are collected, they usually need several months of storage before the inner embryo is ready to germinate. Therefore, it is best to clean the seeds of external fruit and set them aside before attempting to propagate the seeds.

My sago palm had white things all over?

I cut off all of the pongs and threw them away. Is there any hope that it will survive? It has 3 blooms but they have not sprouted.

My sago palm had white things all over?
oh no, in dutch this is called spint, you could go to a store to get stuff to make sure it will not come back. Just cutting away the leaves won't help enough. At least it didn't help with my sago palm :-(.
Reply:well you sago has scale mites. i hate them, now there is a way to get rid of them. i have made an solution that can keep them under control, now it is a oil base solution. they way it works is that you spay the hell out of the tree with it, what happens then is that the oil covers the insect making it so it cant breath then it dies, also ther is some stuff that you can buy at home depot that you spread on the surface of the soil, when you water it it breaks down so the plant can drink it, it wont hurt the plant, but the poison is inside the plant stems and as the insect eats its poisoned then dies
Reply:the only thing you can do is buy Organocide commonly found at Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.

sorry, but in my area planting zone 9 Florida the sago palm have this disease but with regular application you should keep him in good health.


Dwarf sago?

Is there such a thing? I have one in the back yard that's 6' tall and 8' across and hasn't even formed a trunk yet. I want one in the front that will only get to be about half that size. Can I just plunge a big pot? If so, clay? Plastic? Or something else? Thanks.

Dwarf sago?
Clay one is better.

My sago palm leaves are "laying down". How can I change this ?

I bought the plants in May %26amp; had the same problem with one plant soon after buying them. I thought it might be the Las Vegas heat. The rest looked fine. Now since Nov. the rest of my plants look the same way. Help me please! I don't want them to die !!!

My sago palm leaves are "laying down". How can I change this ?
you cab chop all the leaves off if you want to, they grow back, often times if you have female trees they will start putting out seeds which take up a large amount of room in the center of the palms crown
Reply:too much water, palms needs very little water and most people overwater them, they basically get water logged and the leaves are too heavy for the stems and sag until they break the stems.

Do sago palms have flowers?

i have never seen a flower on a sago palm.

Do sago palms have flowers?
In South Texas, females sagos began to "flower" and male sagos produce "cones" in May when it is time to pollinate.
Reply:Mine never has.

Will sago palms and golden barrel cactus grow in lebanon tennesse?

Depending on what Zone Lebanon, TN is in, they may need to be taken indoors in the winter months. This is my favorite website for this type of information:

Good luck with your gardening.

Will sago palms and golden barrel cactus grow in lebanon tennesse?
If they will grow in Murray Kentucky then they should grow in Tennessee.


My sago palm has white specks on leaves and new growth. What can I use to save it?

Since you described "white specks" on new and older fronds of your sago palm, it might be one of the following scale insects that attack them; Aulacaspis Cycad Scale or the False Magnolia Scale.

By visiting the following websites, you'll be able to properfly identify (includes colored pictures of scales) and hopefully treat your sago with one of the suggested chemicals before it's too late.

Hope this helps.... GOOD LUCK!

My sago palm has white specks on leaves and new growth. What can I use to save it?
Are the white specks spider mites? If they shake off, you can treat for spider mites. Otherwise, it sounds like an overwatering problem. New growth will occur but if you don't have good drainage, the plant leaves and tips will begin to change color. The old plant part of the plant will sacrifice to the new part. Check and see if your soil is clumpy, soggy and/or wet.

SAGO Mine Disaster Surviver? How is he?!?

Anyone know how is health is these days?

SAGO Mine Disaster Surviver? How is he?!?
The last I heard, he was still in rehab.
Reply:Hi Peter N,

The last I seen of Randal McCloy a TV station done a brief interview with him at the one year anniversary of the sago mine disaster ..they didn't ask about his health...he articulated really well ,better than a lot of people I know,...he spoke of going back to school but wasn't sure what he wanted to study...It showed him walking and holding hands with his wife ,who was expecting another child, mingling and talking with the families of the other miners.I really don't know what issues he might still have..just from what I saw.. if you didn't know what had happened to this guy...I don't believe you would ever problems walking using both arms and hands..his speech was hesitations....truly no indication that anything had ever been wrong with the guy....I cried...I was so glad to see that he was in such good shape...

Sago, happy new year to everyone,?

hi my name is pete77 and i would ask for some feedback some suggestions from other peoples piont of view, please show respect of this question in have is , i have completed a tools assesmenht for entry to a six month residenhtial program for substance abuse however this program i am trying to get into also deals with mental health issues and they specialize in whats called cuncurrent disorders and i was wo0ndering is that since i cope with my substance abuse by calling my sponsor asking for suggestions and guidiance, i also have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and would like to know, please keepm an open mind is that this program deals with dual diagnosis ,substance abuse and mental health so , is or would one person say that possibly this program i just mentioned would be a good fit for me, and i also ask the question how does one know exactly if a program is a fit for that person how does one know what is and what isint, a good program for them.

Sago, happy new year to everyone,?
I'd postpone a mental health assessment until your substance abuse is taken care of, as withdrawl symptoms can make you act abnormal and complicate a situation where someone is attempting to assess your wellbeing. Consider a 60-90 day period of being sober before you become any mental health treatment.

How to sell my sago product all over the world(sago wanted countries)?


How to sell my sago product all over the world(sago wanted countries)?
What?.... Is sago food?


Sago miners....fallen vets....5 Amish girls?

I know more now (Thanks oltmpreacher) Find out more about this "church" of hate.

Sago miners....fallen vets....5 Amish girls?
just a disgusting hateful group...

didn't Jesus also say that it is easy to remove the splinter in another's eye than the boulder in your own?

My Sago palm has two Sago leaves growing straight from the ground underneath it. Can I move those?

Yes, more info RScott

Dear Hongkongers, can you give me the receipe for this dessert "Mango with sago"? Lots of thks (^-^)

I tried mango with sago in "Hong Kong Cha Cang Ting" from Singapore this afternoon. Hmmm..taste excellent!!! So I would like to request the receipe for this dessert from you all guys from Hong Kong. Thks.

Dear Hongkongers, can you give me the receipe for this dessert "Mango with sago"? Lots of thks (^-^)
I'm not from Hong Kong, but is this what you are looking for:

Mango Sago Dessert

(adapted from Zu's Kitchen)


600gm mango (abt 2 honey mangoes)

400ml mango juice (Peelfresh or any other similar brands)

125ml evaporated milk

80g sago pearls (original uses 300gm pomelo, split into small pieces)

250ml water

2~3 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp cornflour/tapioca starch

1 tbsp water

extra 100ml water


1. Boil 250ml water and sugar till sugar dissolves.

2. Mix cornflour/tapioca starch with 1 tbsp water and pour into the syrup and stir over low heat until mixture is smooth.

3. Take syrup and cornflour mixture off the heat and leave it to cool.

4. Cut the sides of the mango and cube them.

5. Scrap the remaining mango and put in a bowl, add 100ml of water to blend, put aside.

6. Add blended mango, cubed mango, mango juice and evaporated milk into the syrup solution (from 1) then stir.

7. Add sago pearls and stir, if too thick, add abit of cooled boiled water or more mango juice.

8. Chill before serving.

Preparation of sago pearls

1. Soak sago pearls in water till they turned abit translucent (About an hour)

2. Boil the pearls with water till it turns totally translucent.

3. Pour the cooked pearls into a sieve and wash it with tap water remove the starch and now it's ready to be used

(PS: I had some difficulty cooking sago the 1st time, and I found a better way of cooking sago pearls, from Eupho Cafe and English Patis.

1. Boil about 3 cups of water in a saucepan. Add in sago pearls and bring to boil.

2. Once it boils, cover saucepan and turn off heat. Leave for 20 minutes.

3. Remove the lid, stir the mixture, turn on the heat and bring it to boil again.

4. Once it boils the second time, cover again, turn off the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. The sago should be cooked by now.

5. Drain the sago from the hot water and rinse. Soak in cold water (to stop it cooking further). When completely cool drain again and set aside.

This results in a soft but still chewy texture and not mushy at all. )

What is the role of concentrated sulphuric acid in the maufacture of sago from crude tapiaco starch?

I heard of using concentrated sulphuric acid in the maufacture of sago from crude starch.

What is the role of concentrated sulphuric acid in the maufacture of sago from crude tapiaco starch?
It is used to break down the starch into base elements.
Reply:it may not be the right answer. Report It

Wisdom Teeth

Does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?

does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?

Does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?
Ingredients for Moongdal/sago Payasam:

*Moong dal(green gram dal) - 1/2 cup

*Sago - 1/2 cup

*Sugar - 3/4 cup Or less according to taste

*Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoonful

*cashew nut pieces - a few

*raisins - 10

*Ghee - 1 tablespoon

*water/ milk - 3 cups

To make Payasam:

1. Soak sago for 1 hour in 1 cup water.

2. Heat a deep pan, add ghee. Add the cashew pieces and then raisins. Fry but take care not to burn. Remove the pieces onto a plate.

3. Add moong dal to the ghee and fry till dal is golden pink. It will also release a nice aroma.

4. Add 1 cups of water and cook on slow fire till just done. Otherwise You can cook this in the pressure cooker.

5. When the dal is cooked, add the soaked sago along with water and cook further for 5 minutes. Keep stirring. Sago cooks quite fast when soaked. Add water/milk if necessary.

6.Add sugar. Stir to mix and dissolve. Cook for 5 minutes more.

7. Add cardamom powder, fried nuts and raisins.

8. Add more Milk before serving if needed.

Tips: 1. Cooking in milk gives better taste. Or you can cook the dal in water and then add milk.

2. If making only moong dal payasam, add jaggery instead of sugar. Jaggery is healthier and gives better taste and color too.

3. You can also add 1/4 cup fresh coconut, 1 teaspoon poppy seeds - ground to fine paste.
Reply:rinse your dal first then soak in water for a while ...cut up 1 onion very fine, 3 chillies into halves(or 2 red blackened chillies crumbled), 2 bay leaves whole, 1 tablespoon cumin seed(or if you want 1 tablespoon of panch phoron),1 teaspoon tumeric, 2 tablespoons cilantro if desired(which would be put in at the end of cooking) 1/3 cup ghee(clarified butter(or can use canola if you prefer), set those aside cook the dal with 2 parts water to the dal when cooked (mushy creamy etc. fry those spices and onion til very dark almost black but not burned and dump the dal into it while it is still on high heat and bring to a boil for about 10 minutes then salt to taste....dal can be as thin or as thick as you like just adjust the water

How come we haven't passed a law about mine safety since Sago?

When Janet Jackson had her wardrobe malfunction, it took Congress 40 days to change the law. It's now over 120 days since Sago, and Congress hasn't done anything to improve mine safety. Maybe if Congress did something about mine safety after Sago, then the recent accident in Kentucky wouldn't have happened.

How come we haven't passed a law about mine safety since Sago?
Actually, the way it works is this: Congress passes laws that give general, non-specific instructions to the federal agency (in the executive branch) that is supposed to enforce the rules and follow Congress's instructions. The laws and the agency regulations are all in place, but the Bush administration has made almost no effort to see that the existing rules are actually enforced. Mining companies face really small fines for major violations -- smaller than most speeding tickets you or I might get, but most mines have just ignored them and not paid them, and the Bush administration has allowed them to do this. Congress did its job, but the executive branch has a very poor record on seeing that those laws are actually put into force.
Reply:Yeah- maybe Congress realized that when they enact laws based on knee-jerk decisions it hurts a lot more than it helps. Maybe Congress realized that it's time to stop wasting $$$ trying to save every single life in the country from every single danger. Some jobs are dangerous- mining is apparently one of them. Congress should stop trying to fix everything that goes wrong (look at Hurricane Katrina) with more legislation - especially when they don't take the time to figure out the best course of action- they just do something quickly for the media.
Reply:Maybe Congress is finally figuring out that it isn't their job to drown us all in legal mumbo-jumbo. Technically, Congress has no business passing 3/4 of all the regulations they do. (Janet included!)

What are the dos anmd dont's of transplanting Sago palm pups?

I have a large sago with a large male cone with 4 pups at the base that are sprouting. Do I need to wait for the mother plant to go dormant first? Do I cut them out or just yank them out?

What are the dos anmd dont's of transplanting Sago palm pups?
Now is the best time, dig them out as carefully as you can transplant with some B12, water well.
Reply:No real offense meant but my suggestion for the DO would be DON"T!

I live in Central Florida, and find the Sago to be one of the ugliest plants on the planet. I just removed a large one, and had a great time chopping it out.

Rev. Steven

What is the sinner's prayer used by the Sago miners?

In reading accounts about the Sago mine disaster, I read that Mr. McCloy said the sinner's prayer was prayed, what is this prayer?

What is the sinner's prayer used by the Sago miners?
The sinner's prayer is a prayer that some churches use as a means of salvation. You may hear a sermon and the preacher tells you to pray the sinner's prayer to be saved and to have faith in God. Some of them may start like this "Dear God, have mercy on me a sinner...." etc.

The origins of this prayer may be come from the late 1700s idea of a mourner's bench. The preacher would have the sinners sit on a bench and pray for salvation. This probably eventually evolved into what is modernly called the sinner's prayer.

I encourage you to read the Bible on matters of salvation if you are interested. I have found no concept of the sinner's prayer in the Bible and I believe it to be a man made practice. Paul, for instance, when on the road to Damascus, was blinded and prayed to God for three days. Yet, after the three days, he is said to still be in his sins (Acts 22). If he was praying for 3 days then according to the beliefs of some Christians today, he would have been saved. But the bible says he wasn't.

The bible lays out the plan on salvation in many verses: Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-18; Acts 2:14-47; Acts 9; Acts 10:34-48; Acts 16:11-15; Acts 16:16-40; Acts 22:1-16. I pray that you will read these verses (I know there are a lot :) ) and come to know what God's plan of salvation. If you want to contact me my email is
Reply:I looked at various sites, but the explanation I liked the best is on this one:

It says:

"Only ONCE in the Pauline epistles is the term "calling upon the name of the Lord" mentioned in the context of salvation, and we will see that even on that occasion the Bible does not teach "the sinner's prayer" as it is taught today.

Where, then, is "the sinner's prayer" to be found?

"The sinner's prayer" is usually found at the end of a gospel tract or a printed sermon. It is often given at the close of a public message or a personal presentation of the gospel.

It takes on various forms:

"Dear God, have mercy on me and save my soul, for Jesus' sake, amen."

"Dear Lord, please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. Amen."

"Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and that I deserve to go to hell. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I do now receive Him as my personal Lord and Savior. I promise to serve you the best I can. Please save me. In Jesus' name, amen."

"Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me and give me a new heart. Amen."

"The sinner's prayer" is sometimes done in a "repeat-after-me" fashion. This is done in hope that saying the words will somehow bring salvation to the heart. "

There is more information there as well.
Reply:The Sinner's Prayer is a typical prayer for salvation. The versions I have heard usually run "Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and undeserving of forgiveness. But I believe that You came to die for my sins so I could go to Heaven with You. I ask that you would take my sins on Yourself and let Your death pay for them. I will love You and live for You the rest of my life. I pray in Your Name, Amen."

The exact words don't matter. What matters is that when a prayer such as this is prayed sincerely, without any intent of bargaining or tricking the Lord out of something, He is gracious and will completely forgive the person's sins.

This is how a person becomes a born-again Christian; this is the step of the new birth. This begins a life-long process of becoming conformed to Christ, learning to obey Him, and become like Him in His moral character.

In the case of the miners, their lives were likely to end shortly, and in fact for most of them they did. But Jesus doesn't expect people to do great thngs after they are saved. He just wants them to turn to Him in faith and trust Him and ask Him for forgiveness and salvation, so that they can enjoy Eternity with Him.

Jesus will give them the strength and courage to live for Him afterward, if He chooses not to bring them to be with Him right away.

Another example is that of the repentant thief on the cross next to Jesus. He staked his eternal salvation--everything-- on Jesus, saying "Remember me, when You come into Your kingdom." If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, he'd be out of luck. If Jesus was only crazy or pretending to be the Messiah, the thief was out of luck. If Jesus wasn't going to return in glory to be King over us all, that thief would have no other recourse. He was risking it all on Jesus.

In return, Jesus promised him, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise." It was salvation offered, accepted and confirmed.

The media don't like to be specific about sinners' prayers, because they don't want to (gasp, horrors!) look like they are supporting Christianity over, say, Islam.

But I would like to encourage everybody to commit themselves to Jesus, trusting that he is able to do what He has promised-- to save completely and forever from their sins everybody that trusts in Him. Jesus alone is the Merciful and Compassionate One. Pray to him now, you can do it right where you are. Ask Him to forgive you.

He would rather not have to give us what our sins deserve, but He will if we ignore His gracious offer. So many people are afraid that if they become born-again Christians they will miss out on the things they could have had. But Jesus is worth it all. He has never let me down in times of trouble. Trust Him. Pray to him, now. He will listen.


Does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?

does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?

Does anyone know how to make Moong dal and Sago/Sabudana payasam?
Ingredients for Moong/Sago Payasam:

*Moong dal(green gram dal) - 1/2 cup

*Sago - 1/2 cup

*Sugar - 3/4 cup Or less according to taste

*Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoonful

*cashew nut pieces - a few

*raisins - 10

*Ghee - 1 tablespoon

*water or milk - 2-3 cups

To make Payasam:

1. Soak sago for 1 hour in 1 cup water.

2. Heat a deep pan, add ghee. Add the cashew pieces and then raisins. Fry but take care not to burn. Remove the pieces onto a plate.

3. Add moong dal to the ghee and fry till dal is golden pink. It will also release a nice aroma.

4. Add 1 cups of water and cook on slow fire till just done. Otherwise You can cook this in the pressure cooker.

5. When the dal is cooked, add the soaked sago along with water and cook further for 5 minutes. Keep stirring. Sago cooks quite fast when soaked. Add water/milk if necessary.

6.Add sugar. Stir to mix and dissolve. Cook for 5 minutes more.

7. Add cardamom powder, fried nuts and raisins.

8. Add more Milk before serving if needed.

Tips: 1. Cooking in milk gives better taste. Or you can cook the dal in water and then add milk.

2. If making only moong dal payasam, add jaggery instead of sugar. Jaggery is healthier and gives better taste and color too.

3. You can also add 1/4 cup fresh coconut, 1 teaspoon poppy seeds - ground to fine paste.
Reply:Moong Dal "I actually learned this in the kitchen of this lovely Indian woman!"

2 1/2 cups dried yellow split peas

2 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root

1 teaspoon diced jalapeno chile pepper

1/2 cup diced tomatoes

3 teaspoons lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1 teaspoon cumin seed

1/2 dried red chile pepper

1 pinch Asafoetida

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Rinse split peas; soak in 2 1/2 cups water for 30 minutes.

Heat split peas and water, with salt, until boiling. Reduce heat to medium and cook 15 to 20 minutes, until tender and thickened. Add more water, if necessary, to prevent drying out. To the cooked split peas add ginger, jalapeno pepper, tomato, lemon juice and turmeric.

Heat oil in a small saucepan and add cumin seed and red chile pepper. When pepper is heated add Asafoetida and garlic. Stir mixture into split peas and add cilantro; mix well.

Sabudana is mixed with either vermicelli or moong daal to make payasam(paays). Sabudana-vermicelli is a very popular combination compared to sabudana-moong daal combination. Both have exactly the same recipe.


1/2 cup moong daal or 1/2 cup vermicelli

1/2 cup sabudana

1 cup sugar

1 tea spn raisins(dry grapes)

1 cup cashews

1/4 tea spn cardamom powder

1 tea spn ghee

1 cup milk


Soak sabudana in water for about 30mins. Wash moong daal in water.

Heat ghee and fry raisins and cashews for sometime. Add moong daal (or vermicelli) and fry till a nice aroma comes out. Now add milk, sabudana and cook till moong daal and sabudana are cooked well (You can cook them in water instead of milk, but milk gives a nice flavor).

Add sugar and cook till sugar is diluted. Take out from heat and add cardamom powder. Mix well.

Serve hot or cold.
Reply:I think you all ready got many answers. Try them. just add one more thing English spinach while boiling yr daal.

In the recipe for Sai Mai Lo, is it alright to use Sago pearls in a jar or do I have to use the dried pearls?

I have a recipe for it with mango but I also want to make it without mango, does anyone know the recipe without the fruit? And can I use the Sago pearls in the jar or do I have to use the dried Sago pearls?

Thank you!

In the recipe for Sai Mai Lo, is it alright to use Sago pearls in a jar or do I have to use the dried pearls?
Yes.. you can use the jar Sago pearls.. so it's easy..

If you use dried Sago pearls.. you have to soak them in cold water for 5-6 hour.

I'll have Taro ( kind like yam) in my Sai Mai Lo.

Here my recipes

Taro - 250 grams

Sago pearls - 100grams (dried)

Rock sugar - 175 grams

Coconut Milk - 1 can

Water 750ml

-Soak the sago, Drain the pearls after soaking.

-Peal the Taro and dice them . Stem the taro on high heat for 20 minutes

-Bring the water and sugar to the boil until dissolve.

- Add the sago and the Taro and stir until it boils again.

-remove from the heat and pour in the coconut milk. Stir it well and serve.

In your case.. I'll thing you can just ignore the mango. And replace it with what ever fruit you like.

imax theater

I am in need of agents to sell my products sago and desecated coconut tell me where can get the listof buyer?

i am from tamilnadu i am selling sago to pune, i am in need of agents to sell my products sago and coconut if any one is intrested please contact me . other wise those who visit this one tell me from where can i get the proper agent through net.

I am in need of agents to sell my products sago and desecated coconut tell me where can get the listof buyer?
This is actually an easy one to answer. Go to:

Once onsite sign up for an account and post your offer (agent required) in the "Sellers" forum of the appropriate classification.

I want to import rice flour , sago, and modified starch from Malaysia. Do i need an import licence?

i want to import rice flour, sago and modified starch from Malaysia; do i need an import licence?

I want to import rice flour , sago, and modified starch from Malaysia. Do i need an import licence?
Import it to where? In any case you need to contact your local customs house for more information. You may not only need a license (to import and to sell) but the exporter will certainly have to supply you with health documents your (import) country requires.
Reply:Yes, to import anything, especially foodstuffs, you need an import license
Reply:I sure hope so. Since all of these products are already available in the US wholesale, why do you think you need to be importing it as well?
Reply:from where to where??? most likely need.
Reply:Not sure: try looking into it at (HM Revenue %26amp; Customs website).

How to make the Philippine drink, Sago?

I've tasted sago at my mom's birthday party and my sister's birthday party and it was good. So I wanna know how to make it. I tried to ask my mom, but she doesn't have time to teach me. Does anybody know how?

How to make the Philippine drink, Sago?
this is the only one that I know of.....

Ingredients :

1 cup Sago

4 cups Water

3/4 cup Chopped Palm Sugar

4 cups Coconut milk

Ice Cubes

Method :

Wash and soak sago for approximately 1 hour.

Drain and put in a large saucepan with 3 cups of the water.

Bring to the boil and simmer over a moderate heat until sago grains are clear.

Cool and chill.

Put palm sugar in a small saucepan with remaining water and heat gently until the cakes of sugar dissolve.

Cool and strain the syrup.

For each serving, put approximately 4 tablespoons of chilled sago into a tall glass.

Add 3 tablespoons syrup or more according to taste and mix well.

Add 2-3 ice cubes and fill up with coconut milk.

Stir and serve immediately.
Reply:This came from the website:

Sago't Gulaman

Sago't Gulaman is a very popular refreshment. In restaurants it is served in a tall, footed glass, in neighborhood stores it is ladled into plastic cups and in street stands it is simply poured into plastic bags and provided with straw. It can be taken as an after-meal beverage-dessert, a snack or a drink to accompany another merienda item. Sago itself is also seen in Tahu, Ginataan and Ginumis while gulaman which is made from seaweed called agar-agar can be eaten as a gelatin dessert with or without fruits.


3 cups sugar

3 cups water

boiled sago

cooked gulaman, cubed

crushed ice

%26gt;%26gt; Caramelized sugar in a saucepan. When melted, pour in the water. Continue cooking until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool completely. Add some of the cooled arnibal or syrup to the sago to sweeten it.

%26gt;%26gt; In a glass, put some sago and gulaman. Add enough arnibal to sweeten. Fill with ice or add ice-cold water.

%26gt;%26gt; To Cook sago: Boil water in a saucepan. Add in uncooked sago. Stir to prevent sticking. Cook until transparent. Drain then rinse.

How do you cook the black sago, the one used in pearl shakes here in the Philippines?

The Sago that I have with me here is very powder-y. Thanks a lot.

How do you cook the black sago, the one used in pearl shakes here in the Philippines?
It's actually tapioca powder mixed with water... If you want it firm, try addng less water...
