Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Planting a sago near house and sidewalk?

I have a sago I wanted to plant between the sidewalk and window (area is 6ft betwwen the two), the sago's trunk is 25" and the leaves span 5ft already. Is it ok to plant it here or should I plant it somewhere else?

Planting a sago near house and sidewalk?
OK this is a complicated question---let me try to be brief. First, I assume your talking about a Sago Palm which is a beautiful low growing palm with very dark green fronds. If this is the case, I assume you know that a Sago Palm the size your talking about is worth several hundred dollars---so be nice to it! Second, the real key to your decision is not the space, but the location. Sago's prefer strong indirect light. They can take some direct sun, but not a lot and definitely not strong afternoon sun. So does this criteria match the spot your looking at? Last, the Sago Palms fronds are very sharp---so if people or children on the sidewalk can touch this plants they can get hurt. Also the Sago does not like to have it fronds disturbed---and if people will be brushing up against it the fronds will turn brown and start to die.

My recommendation would be to first find the right spot where the Sago will get the right amount of light. Then since this is such a valuable plant---move it once to a spot where it can stay for a long, long time. Good luck---and I'm jealous you have a Sago that big!
Reply:trees anywhere are good............


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