Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sago palm help?

My sago palm is turning yelow . What do yall use to make them green on the fronds? Here some pictures. http://community.webshots.com/user/bad96...

Sago palm help?
It looks healthy, I see two different types of yellowing, the lower leaves are yellowing from natural old age. The other lighter more abrupt yellowing appears to be environmental, sun scald, fertilizer burn, dog urine or something similar. I wouldn't worry, just keep your eyes open to the cause. RScott
Reply:Yeah it looks healthy and natural to me as well. Report It

Reply:Looks like sun scald or possibly not enough water.

Try watering every other day for 30 days about 20 minutes each time on a drip watering system....if you have one.

Or water by hand about 5 or 7 gallons of water.
Reply:It looks normal, really. Maybe your weather has been abnormal lately? Just cut off the bottom ones when they turn yellow or brown. They will be fine...no worries....

I use a palm food called Premium Palm %26amp; Ixora Food (8-8-8)twice a year...purchased at Home Depot. Excellent for healthy, new fronds! I also water mine 4 or more times a week. They love water.

Wisdom Teeth

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