Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sago Palm as a focal point?

I just pulled up all of the bushes in the 10 X 8 ft. pie shaped area next to my front door. I have put a sago palm in as a focal point but it is only about 2 1/2 ' in diameter and it looks very lonely %26amp; small. I was told by the local nursery owner that it would grow pretty quickly and I didn't need anything else with it. However, I'm not very satisfied with how it looks and am wanting to keep it tropical. Any suggestions on plants that will look great in the bed but won't overpower the Sago? Thanks!!!

Sago Palm as a focal point?
It is my understanding that sagos grow very slow.

Scientific Name: Cycas revoluta

Common Name: Sago “palm”

Typical Height: 10’

Growth Rate: Slow

Hardiness Zone:

Characteristics: The most common and popular cycad with flat, dark green foliage spanning 3 feet wide. Moderate water and does best in partial shade.

I think the nursery owner lied. Do a search on growth rates for this tree because if it is in fact as small as you say, you want to take it back and spend the money for the size you want.

My mother planted 2 of these in our front yard when we moved in 1982. I am 5'6 and I am still taller than both of them by at least a foot.

I am almost positive the gut at the nursery just wanted to make a sale.

Sorry for your dilemma.

read more here

Reply:Queen palms are great for a tropical bed, but they start big and get bigger fast. Variegated ginger would work as well. It gets used to sun. A strap leaf plant like dietes or other irises have a great look as well. I would use broadleaf and strap leaf plants to soften the Sago.

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