Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Could he have mutual feelings?

I ran into him 9 month sago and we hit it off,i was stil bitter about catching my ex of a few years cheating(they r mutual freinds)he listened and understood,he drove me home that night and i invited him to stay,i asked him to sleep in the bed with me,he did,i asked him to put his amr around me,he did till i lsept,he was sucha gentman,things were awkward when he left the next morning,a mutual freind told me he liked me but was freaked about my ex(who was trying to get me back)i saw him again 2 months later and he came to me and said"your killing me"my ex was also there and upset that we liked eachother.There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about this guy.I sent him a text a couple weeks after that night and he never replied.I saw him at a party 6 months later he walked in withanother girl(although they did not apear to be'together')hesawmeandlookedawayquick.M... freinds with him(my brother is best friends with my ex)my brother says he'digs'me,but is scared.

Could he have mutual feelings?
I don't think there is any serious chemistry here.
Reply:Yeah, he probably is scared. Why don't you cut out all these middle men, and just talk to him and tell him what's up. Tell him you heard that he had some reservations, and you need to discuss about how you feel with your ex. I think you have had plenty of time to move on from him. Just talk to him.
Reply:Should have.
Reply:Well, it sounds like he has liked you at some point but with you not being together and letting things go so long without any action, you're basically making him get over his feelings for you. If you are seriously interested, you can't put this off forever. Make a move.

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