Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to fix a broken heart?

well, i asked out a boy and he said sure and so i am(was )really excited and i found out he ha been giving girls (our age) liek piggybacks and has been holding his ex's hand and he kissed her like 4 year sago butstiil, isnt 4 yrs ago a little young ...... my heart is broken completely i am like always crying HELP ME

How to fix a broken heart?
you should not be so attached or you will always be hurt in need to have a life of your own where you won't have to be watching everything your boyfriend is doing. next time wait until the guy ask you out.
Reply:if he kissed her 4 years ago when you weren't together, that shouldn't matter. you can't really get mad at people for something that they did that long ago before you guys got together. if everyone did that, then no one would be in relationships.

about your broken heart, dump him (if you haven't already) and then with time, you'll get over him.
Reply:Ony Time--and it does fly when we are having fun as the saying goes , but when we hurt it goes very slowly--but when you are over the hurt is is one of the best feelings in the world--then of course there is the next time:( all part of life
Reply:he wasn't the one for you.. he really wasn't because if he was he would be there with you he would go walk mountains to be with you would treat you like a princess you would be in the clouds the thing is he isn't he never will because he IS NT the right one , its hard to say to some one like it is.. theres not many rules to say so, you just have to go trough it ,cry be angry and than pick yourself up... be proud of what you are what you do and make the best of it that's all we (all) have and can do and i guarantee if you do that you Will meet a man that's the one for you,.where you can be youreselve cos thats what you want dont change you good as you are... trust yourselves x
Reply:Find something that you like to do to occupy your time and get your mind of your present situation. Watch T.V., or a movie, go for a walk, eat ice cream, etc... just try to think of something else and you'll get over it.
Reply:go shopping get over him go out with friends and stop crying over a guy that is not worth it come on.'re going to get sooo many mean comments.

Let me try to help though, I know what may seem like nothing to others can me everything to you and just because it doesn't seem like something that would affect someone, it can make you feel really down.

Giving girls piggybacks...he could just be fooling around and being friendly.

Holding his ex's hand...that's a little harder to get past, maybe ask him?

Kissed her four years let's say you're 13-15 (just my guess) was young, but, it happened and it's over. Are you always going to judge a guy by what happened 4 years ago? A lot can change in 4 years, especially people.

Guys are confusing and I'm not a guy...but there's some thoughts. I think you could still hang out/date him, although be careful.
Reply:eat as much ice cream as u can and think.... is he really worth crying over? why did u like him anyway? and stuff like dat
Reply:You need to set some ground rules when dating a guy,if he breaks those rules dump him.
Reply:Girl all I can say is time

there are some people who will stay there forever that you know won't be there for you when you really need them.

But time is what heals it and sometimes another person can....
Reply:you will get over it
Reply:its just that u dont like seeing ur man with other women 4 yrs is a long time just talk to him about it before its too late
Reply:duct tape works wonders
Reply:eat ice cream. its the cure.

go for a jog.

watch legally blonde 1 %26amp; 2

wtch all the ace ventura movies thatrs whats cures
Reply:ice cream.

Reply:first off girlfriend you need to get your **** together. time will heal your heart babe, but damn girl, you need some help with the English language.
Reply:get over him and get a bf make him jealous have sex with his best friend

jk jk

Reply:okay i am prettier then you . well sorry 4 years ago really sorry get over it i mean who cares tell him that bugs you and he will understand
Reply:You're crying because a guy is holding hands with another girl? How old are you? Girls with low maturity levels like this shouldn't even be dating. This is why I don't want kids. They aren't kids anymore... they grow up with no self-esteem and cry because 1 boy out of billions is holding hands with a girl he kissed 4 years ago. Sigh.

My advice, enjoy your childhood and forget about boys. It may seem like the end of the world right now but when you're a little bit older, you're going to realize what a waste of time it was.
Reply:impossible, at least for me. I still remember the guy i wasted my first kiss on. and over time i try to forget, but i mean you rele cant, gettin you heart broken sucks. And my situation was like urs, but i didn't find out until i wasted the kiss. Hang out wiht friends more and take a break from guys (if you prefer), but some people like going out and dating to forget... see what works for you.
Reply:Well dump the cump he is breaking your heart and no one should do that.just say 'it's over '

P.S god luck
Reply:jesus!! i've been single for 15 years.. do you see me complaining? no. there are plenty of guys out there, the one you were with was blind, you could do better than that, dont be aroudn teh bush, there are other fish in teh sea. get over it and move on with your life

HOPE I HELPED? now would anyone like to help me? no. becuase they just care about themselves (im not pissed off at yoru question, but ppl in general)

what the **** man how old are you 8? omg he kissed her.. FOUR ******* YEARS AGO. thats not cheating dumb *** and maybe hes just a flirt and has a lot of friends that are girls. or you know what. maybe you should worry because he might find out that your so stupid to ask such a bad question.
Reply:well all i can say is time heals all things...also try a tub of your fav ice cream!

this to shale pass
Reply:Well, to aBi, shut your face x] You don't know what she looks like.

Anyways, a broken heart takes time to heal.But do something you love to do. And friends are always there to comfort you!!! Maybe rent a really funny movie, invite a friend or two to sleepover, make some ice-cream (Don't forget the whip cream!), tell funny stories, and stuff like that xD That's what I do when I am upset x)

Best of luck!

Reply:Duct Tape
Reply:The best way to fix a broken heart is with glue.


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