Sunday, May 16, 2010

Feeling fear in 4th month of pregnancy...please help?

its my4th month of pregnancy and i feel that some thing like a big knot is disturbing me in lowest part of my belly, 6 inches lower than my belly button, pushing me downword i fear it will come outside. please let me know is this dangerous?i feel it becomes someimes very hard like a ball and pushing me downward but im not having bleeding and everything is fine...sometimes its not very hard as well but most of the time it gets so hard and i start feeling very sensitive from my inside.please help me.i visited doctor some 15 day sago and at that time i didn'thave this problem and everything was fine inr eports and it normal?whatever is happening with me does it happen to every woman in 4th month?please tell me

Feeling fear in 4th month of pregnancy...please help?
Call the doctor or go to the ER if it gets worse. That doesn't sound normal to me as the baby should not be engaged in the cervix this early. Sounds like placenta previa to me, but I assume they would have detected that on an ultrasound earlier. Best of Luck!
Reply:I would call your OB tonight and let her know whats going on. You might be contracting or Dilating. She may have you go into the ER %26amp; get another US. Its better to be safe %26amp; check these things out.
Reply:It sounds like you might be having Braxton Hicks contractions. They are not dangerous, so don't worry. It's just your body preparing for the real labor. Although I thought they start later in pregnancy.

If you're worried, go straight to the hospital or to your doctor. Also, look up "Braxton Hicks" on google and see if the symptoms sound like what you're feeling.

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