Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My 6 year old daughter just got glasses for the first time.....?

Hello. I am curious how other parents have dealt with this?

We found out about 2 week sago that our daughter's eyes were quite bad. She was seeing less than 30% in her L eye as well as "Lazy Eye" and 20/50 vision in her R eye.

So 2 appointments later and some eye drops we picked up her glasses today. At first she wasn't upset to wear them, we let her pick out a cute pair. Now that they are on her face and the prescription of the lenses is quite high, it makes her eyes look abnormally large. As if she was wearing a magnifying glass. She is so upset and as a mother it breaks my heart. Because we all know how cruel kids can be and we know that she is going to be teased at school, she is so sensitive...any suggestions or advice? Is it because it is such a high presription that it makes her eyes look really big? We got the polycarbonated lenses which I know are recommended for children of all ages. I'm just so sad to see her so heartbroken and hear her say that she looks funny and ugly.

My 6 year old daughter just got glasses for the first time.....?
my little girl is 2 and has has since you was 19 months and i just tell her everyday how pretty she is and how smart she is, i know she small but i think she knows what am saying to her!!
Reply:My daughter started wearing daily contacts at age 7. If she is resposable get her comtacts at 7, and have her wear her correctional glasses at home not at school.
Reply:My child was also diagnosed with the same thing a few years ago. It was very hard to keep the glasses on him and in the end they did not help him. We alctually ended up having a surgery done on him in October and now his vision is perfect. The lazy eye was causing him to overcompensate with the other eye which was causing that eye to become weakened. Once the eye was straightened it was no longer a problem. Those lenses do work well too. If she can not have the surgery I would just keep up with having her wear them. Work on building her confidence and maybe even teach her some smart and sassy things to say to some mean kids that will leave them shocked. With our son we just had to show him that not every person treats us as they would like to be treated and to remember that if they were cruel to others they probably had a deeper problem somewhere else rather than on the surface (like glasses). Get her used to the ugly things people will say so when she does hear them she won't be shocked. Maybe she can laugh at them and ask if that is the best that they can come up with. LOL. WOuldn't that just eat 'em up. Good luck and tell her I said she looks beautiful...
Reply:I love how little kids look with big eyes. So adorable. What's wrong with it?
Reply:thats tough. kids face so amny hardships these days especially in school. let her know every chance you get how wonderful and unique she is. tell her that everyone is different and to not listen to what other people say about her looks and such. it is what is on the inside that matters. also if she has some role models on t.v. like arthur. arthur wears glasses. find some other cartoon characters that wear glasses too. this way she knows that some of her favorite people wear them and that now she has something else in common with them which makes it so cool. sometimes you have to search for little things like that to help boost their self-esteem. i hope this helps. good luck.
Reply:My daughter is in first grade, and she has been wearing glasses since she was 5 months old. Her prescription strength is high, too, and the poly lens are the best. But the magnifying effect is still there. So far, she has had no problems with kids teasing her, in school, as a matter of fact, 2 other kids in her glass wears glasses, too. I know from experience that today, to many little ones wears glasses, that is is really no big deal.

You know, I went through a depression too, when my daughter first got her glasses, and then I looked at the big picture. She has a condition that is CORRECTABLE! It is not a major health issue, and I know there are plenty of moms that would trade the vision problem, for their child's health problem.

It could be a lot worse.
Reply:When I first got my glasses years and years ago, I also had bad eye sight.----20/100 in both eyes. Basically legally blind. I didn't want to wear glasses and knew the teasing was coming at school. My grandfather, bless his heart, sat me down and asked me if I would rather not see the beautiful world out there or wear my glasses. If I really wanted to see all the beauty out there, then let the kids tease all they wanted, because seeing was a lot better than going through life not seeing. I haven't taken my glasses off since except to sleep. I would much rather see a beautiful "in focus" world.
Reply:the lenses ar what makes your eyes look big. ask your eye doctor if theres any way you could get them thinner or what age he reccomends contacts. they are easy to put in and easy to clean, i don't see why not. but thats yours and your daughters decision.

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