Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ex... (Please dont ignore :/)?

Hi, im very down atm and very emotional.

I miss my ex very much, but not as a bf but as a friend, it been over 3 months of our break up and well we talked alot until about 2 weeks away as we just loved each other companies.

He emailed me about 2 days ago saying that he apologizes how cruel he was to me, and how he treated me and that he hopes i will forgive him, and he also said in this email that maybe in a few weeks after we have healed alittlebit more we can try our friendship again, and i asked him why he said this, because just 2 week sago he said he hated me, and wanted me out of his life for good.. and he just said that he misses my company and our talks.

What should i do? I have to stop myself calling him, as i always use to call him just to talk about my day, about everything that is happening and it so hard, i know i will always love him in away as we broke up because of the distance (he lives in America, i live in the UK)

What should i do? Im moving on but still

Ex... (Please dont ignore :/)?
Everybody makes mistakes. If he apologized and really seems remorseful, why not forgive him? You obviously still care about him. It would be different if he didn't apologize at all or anything. It sounds like he cares about you too. When two people care about each other, they should work on their friendship and forgive each other for mistakes they make, as long as the mistakes aren't REALLY bad. Good luck.
Reply:Let him call you. He's your ex for a reason and while a heart never truly heals when love dies, being friends is better than nothing. But let him call you. He might even realize what he truly feels during your time apart. Best of luck, darling.
Reply:Well, if he says in a little bit maybe you can try the friend thing, wait to see if that will work.

But if he keeps going back in forth from "I hate you, etc" to "let's try being friends", then that's being hurtful and abusive towards you. At that point, you should let him go. It's not worth being strung along like that.
Reply:Get yourself together this is someone that a few days ago said he hated you %26amp; wanted you gone forever !!!!! You talk about being his friend how are you gonna react when ur "friend" has another girlfriend Friend ?? It's not easy %26amp; time will help u to get past this clown!!

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