Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What do you think the top news story was of 2006?

I think it began with the Sago mine disaster right after the new year. Then most recently the passing of President Ford would rank up there towards the top.

What do you think the top news story was of 2006?
I think you're right, the Sago mine disaster will be the top story of the year 2006..☺
Reply:i think the Israeli - Lebanon war is definatly up there. what happend during that war is just a peak of whats coming...
Reply:how bout the blizzard in colorado that happened last week oh wait its happening again
Reply:if they hang sadam this weekend, that will be the mother of all news stories.
Reply:the aussie wheat board is a good one millions to sadam

there is the polio vacinations that gave africans live virus aids

there was of course the dems winning

and the billions of xmass bonus paid to white collar ,stockmarket/banker types

there the fact that 3 jumbo jets worth of americans die today from legal perscribed drug adverse reaction

so much news good luck.
Reply:I think the top story for 2006 would have to be the Sago mine disaster .

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