Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do I plant a baby sago palm?

If it has less than four of five fronds it should remain potted until it gets larger. Otherwise plant it just as you would any other tree. I'm assuming you are in the tropics or subtropics. Select a location that gets full sun at least part of the day and has good drainage (no standing wter). Water in thoroughly and then sparingly thereafter. Be patient. They are slow growers.

BTW, "Sago Palms" are not palms nor do they produce Sago. Look up Cycas revoluta to learn more about your tree. Look up Metroxylon sagu to find out about Sago.

How do I plant a baby sago palm?
Sago palms are very simple to plant. Are you talking about a pup that came from a larger plant? If so just place it on the ground with the pointed side up. Just press it to the ground so it won't be rolling around and will stay where you put it. Whatever you do make sure you leave the pointed crown exposed. If it gets covered the pup will rot. It will take it a couple of months to set down roots and put on leaves. don't disturb it, water the ground minimally, it will be fine.

If what you are planting is already rooted and in a pot then just plant so the dirt is level with the ground. Just don't cover the crown.

Good luck!

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