Monday, November 16, 2009

What was Music like some 200 - 250 year sago ?

I know there was no film music but about the kind of music people used to enjoy at that time

What was Music like some 200 - 250 year sago ?
The late 18th and early 19th century was the era where the Classical period in music history occurred. The most notable composers of the time were Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn. Many compositions incorporated sonata, sonata-rondo, theme and variation and minuet forms.

Because palace concerts were closed to them, townspeople organized concerts where the latest symphonies and concertos would be showcased to the middle-class.

As far as film music goes of course films didn't exist at the time, but operas did; and were often accompanied by the music of composers like Haydn and Mozart. Some notable operas were Don Giovanni, and Cosi Fan Tutte.
Reply:probly the same as inthe flinstones..........
Reply:Mostly classical. You had to go to a concert hall to hear a symphony, because records/phonographs were not invented yet.
Reply:Better than some the we have to listen now.

imax theater

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